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Sapphire Blue Ocean

Final Assignment of Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Global Warming


Global warming became the most hot issue in entire the world. The effect of global warming is very dangerous for the environment. But, there are still a lot of people who think about the global warming as just the issue and it is never make an effect to our earth in the future. Though, there are a lot of signs from the nature that arise as the bad effect of global warming.

The increasing sea levels has been occured in many areas in this world. This increase happened because of the melting of the ice in the north polar. It cause of the world too hot, and make the ice in the north polar become melting. Beside of that, we can see a lot of hurricanes, thunders, and tornado in the world with easily. Global warming make the farms get the failure and it make reduce the foods supplies.


Analysis :

Global warming            became           the most hot issue       in entire the world

           S                    irregular verb          complement                   modifier

The effect of global warming   is       very                 dangerous          for    the environment

                       S                         adverb of degree      regular verb                     adjective

Kata is merupakan main verb  dari verb phrase berupa linking verb

But,                                   there                             are still a lot of people

Coordinate conjunction     expletive pronoun           conjunction adverb                                   

          who think about the global warming as just the issue and it is never make an effect relative pronoun                                                             personal pronoun

to our earth in the future                                                



Though, there are a lot of signs from the nature that arise as the bad effect of global

Subordinating connector    


The increasing sea levels      has been                occured in many areas in this world

 gerund as subject            auxiliary verb           main verb

Beside of that, we can see a lot of hurricanes, thunders, and tornado in the world with easily


Global warming make the farms get the failure and it make reduce the foods supplies

                   causative verb


Pemanasan Global


Pemanasan global menjadi isu yang paling panas di seluruh dunia. Pengaruh pemanasan global sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Namun, masih banyak orang yang berpikir bahwa pemanasan global hanya sebagai masalah dan tidak pernah membuat efek ke bumi di masa depan. Padahal, ada banyak tanda-tanda dari alam yang muncul sebagai efek buruk pemanasan global.

Permukaan air laut yang meningkat telah terjadi di banyak daerah di dunia ini. Peningkatan ini terjadi karena mencairnya es di kutub utara. Ini disebabkan oleh dunia yang terlalu panas, dan membuat es di kutub utara mencair. Selain itu, kita bisa melihat banyak angin topan, guntur dan tornado di dunia dengan mudahnya. Pemanasan global membuat peternakan mengalami kegagalan dan mengurangi persediaan makanan.


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